Our Ka'u Classic Dark Roast Made Coffee Review's Top 30 Coffees of 2022!

Every December, Coffee Review highlights its most exciting coffees of the year. We're pleased to see them choose our Ka'u Classic Dark Roast as #26!
This is our bestselling coffee in Hawai'i. That’s no surprise because we tested and adjusted its roast profile based on feedback at farmers markets and tastings at local stores. Our goal: to create a lighter profile than locals are used to in a dark roast. We played with different roasts around second crack, until customers would try this coffee with no milk or sugar and say things like, "That’s really smooth. It’s dark roast, but not too dark!”
Here is Coffee Review's Blind Assessment: "Crisply chocolaty, floral-toned. Nectarine, brown sugar, wisteria, baking chocolate, fresh-cut oak in aroma and cup. Complex, bittersweet structure with quiet acidity; very full, syrupy-smooth mouthfeel. Baking chocolate and oak notes characterize the long finish, with pretty hints of wisteria underneath."
And its Bottom Line: "This Ka’u Typica strikes a lovely balance between the depth of a classic dark roast and the levity of a fruit- and floral-driven, medium-roasted Typica cup."
Off all our coffees, this coffee pairs particularly well with sweets -- which is perfect for the holidays. Click here to buy some for friends and family (and add a bag for yourself, of course).